
Terms & Conditions

To ensure a pleasant and safe stay for all of our guests at Leads Inn, we kindly request that you comply with the following rules during your stay with us. Failure to comply may result in cancellation of your stay and/or restricted access to hotel facilities. Additionally, if any hotel equipment or fixtures are damaged during your stay, we reserve the right to charge you the full cost of repair or replacement.

  • Please do not use guest rooms for purposes other than intended without authorization.
  • Do not light fires in the hallway or guest rooms for heating or cooking.
  • Smoking is strictly prohibited in non-smoking rooms, beds, or any other areas prone to catching fire.
  • All equipment and articles in guest rooms are for the sole use of registered guests. Use by outsiders is strictly prohibited.
  • Please do not move any hotel equipment or articles from their fixed places without permission.
  • Do not change the position of any gadgets or fixtures in the hotel or guest rooms without permission.
  • The following items are strictly prohibited within the hotel premises:
    • Animals or birds
    • b. Items with foul odors
    • Articles exceeding normal carry-on amounts
    • Guns, swords, and other weapons
    • Explosives or volatile oils
    • Any other items that may pose a threat to the safety of other guests
  • Please refrain from creating excessive noise or engaging in disruptive behavior within the hotel or guest rooms.
  • Gambling or any activities that violate public order or morals are strictly prohibited within the hotel or guest rooms.
  • Please do not distribute advertisements, sell items, or collect donations or signatures from other guests within the hotel premises without proper permission.
  • We reserve the right to refuse accommodation to guests suffering from an illness that may cause discomfort to other guests within the hotel.
  • Please do not leave personal belongings in the hallways or lobby.
  • Photography that may disturb other guests is strictly prohibited within the hotel or guest rooms.
  • All personal meetings should be held in the 1st-floor lobby only.
  • Guest rooms occupied by the same guest for two or more consecutive nights will not be cleaned during their stay. However, these rooms will be cleaned once every six days to maintain cleanliness. If hotel authorities deem it necessary to clean a guest room during a guest’s stay, the guest occupying the room will not have the right to deny such cleaning.

Article 1 (Applicability)

  • These Terms and Conditions govern the contracts for accommodation and related agreements entered into between Leads Inn and the Guest. Any matters not provided for in these Terms and Conditions shall be governed by applicable laws and regulations and/or generally accepted practices.
  • If Leads Inn enters into a special contract with the Guest, and such contract does not violate any laws, regulations, or generally accepted practices, the special contract shall take precedence over the provisions of these Terms and Conditions, regardless of the previous paragraph.

Article 2 (Application for Accommodation Contract)

  • A Guest who wishes to enter into an Accommodation Contract with Leads Inn must provide the following information to the hotel:
    • Guest’s name, address, age, gender, nationality, and occupation
    • Date of arrival and estimated time of arrival
    • Accommodation charges (based primarily on the Basic Accommodation Charges)
    • Other necessary information requested by Leads Inn.
  • If a Guest wishes to extend their stay beyond the date specified in subparagraph (2) of the preceding paragraph, during their stay at the hotel, it will be considered a request for a new Accommodation Contract at the time.

Article 3 (Conclusion of Accommodation Contracts, etc.)

  • The Accommodation Contract between the Hotel and the Guest shall be considered concluded once the Hotel has accepted the Guest’s application as per Article 2. If it is proven that the Hotel did not accept the application, then the Accommodation Contract shall not be deemed as concluded.
  • The deposit paid by the Guest shall be utilized firstly for the Total Accommodation Charge, secondly for any applicable cancellation charges under Article 6, and thirdly for any reparations under Article 17. Any remaining amount shall be refunded at the time of payment for accommodation as stated in Article 11.
  • In case the Guest fails to pay the deposit by the specified date mentioned in Paragraph 2, the Accommodation Contract shall be considered invalid. However, the Hotel shall inform the Guest about the payment period and the consequences of non-payment of the deposit.

Article 4 (Special Contracts Requiring No Accommodation Deposit)

  • Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph 2 of the preceding Article, Leads Inn may enter into a special contract requiring no accommodation deposit after the Contract has been concluded as stipulated in the same Paragraph.
  • If Leads Inn has not requested the payment of the deposit as stipulated in Paragraph 2 of the preceding Article and/or has not specified the date of payment of the deposit at the time the application for an Accommodation Contract has been accepted, it shall be treated as though Leads Inn has accepted a special contract prescribed in the preceding Paragraph.

Article 5 (Reservation Rejection)

Leads Inn reserves the right to reject a reservation under any of the following circumstances if:

  • The application for accommodation does not conform to the Terms & Conditions stated herein;
  • All rooms in the hotel are booked;
  • The guest is likely to violate laws or engage in activities that go against public order or morals;
  • The guest is a member or related to an organized crime group or recognized criminal as per the Act on Prevention of Unjust Acts by Organized Crime Group Members or an antisocial element;
  • The guest belongs to a corporation or group managed by a gang or gang members;
  • The guest’s actions are causing significant disturbance to other guests;
  • The guest engages in coercive acts such as violence, threatening or blackmailing the hotel staff, making unreasonable demands, or has a history of such behavior;
  • The guest is carrying an infectious disease;
  • The hotel is unable to provide accommodation due to natural disasters, facility malfunctions, or other unavoidable causes;
  • The guest is intoxicated and likely to cause annoyance to other guests;
  • The guest applies for a room with a hidden intent of profiting from selling articles on hotel premises or in the guest room;
  • The guest fails to abide by the provisions of these Terms & Conditions or the provisions regarding payment and/or room cancellation clarified at the time of booking.

Article 6 (Cancellation of Accommodation Contract by Guest) at Leads Inn:

  • Guests may cancel their accommodation contract by informing the hotel.
  • If the guest cancels the contract in whole or in part due to reasons for which they are responsible (except when the hotel has requested payment of the accommodation deposit within a specified period as prescribed in Paragraph 2 of Article 3 and the guest cancels the contract before payment), they must pay the cancellation charges listed in Attached Table 2. However, if a special contract as prescribed in Paragraph 1 of Article 4 has been concluded, the same applies only when the hotel has informed the guest of their cancellation charge payment obligation in case of cancellation by the guest.
  • If the guest does not show up by 10:00 p.m. on the accommodation date without prior notice (or 2 hours after the estimated time of arrival if specified in advance by the guest), it will be considered as cancellation of the Accommodation Contract by the guest.

Article 7 (Right to Cancel Accommodation Contract by Leads Inn)

Leads Inn may cancel the Accommodation Contract if:

  • The Guest has not provided the necessary information requested by Leads Inn before the specified date, as provided in Paragraph 1 of Article 2.
  • The Guest has not paid the Accommodation Deposit as requested by Leads Inn, as provided in Paragraph 2 of Article 3.
  • Any of the Paragraphs (3) to (13) of Article 5 are applicable.
  • The Guest engages in prohibited actions, such as smoking in bed, tampering with fire-fighting facilities, or otherwise breaching Leads Inn’s regulations.
  • If Leads Inn cancels the Accommodation Contract in accordance with the preceding Paragraph, Leads Inn shall not charge the Guest for any of the services during the contractual period he/she has not received.

Article 8 (Registration)

At Leads Inn, guests are required to provide the following information upon check-in:

  • Full name, age, gender, and occupation of the guest
  • Nationality and government-issued ID number
  • Date and estimated time of departure
  • Any other information deemed necessary by Leads Inn.

Article 9 (Occupancy Hours of Guest Rooms)

  • Guests at Leads Inn may occupy their rooms from 2:00 p.m. on the day of arrival until 12 noon on the day of departure. If a guest is staying for an extended period, they may occupy their room throughout the day, except for the days of arrival and departure.
  • Leads Inn may allow guests to occupy their rooms beyond the specified occupancy hours in the above paragraph. However, extra charges will be applied in this case.

Article 10 (Observance of Hotel Policies)

All guests are required to comply with the policies established by Leads Inn, which are prominently displayed within the premises of the hotel.

Article 11 (Payment of Accommodation Fees)

  • The Guest is required to pay the accommodation fees listed in the Attached Table 1, which includes a breakdown and method of calculation.
  • The payment for the accommodation fees must be made in Indian currency at the front desk during the time of the Guest’s departure or when requested by the Hotel. Other payment methods accepted by the Hotel are hotel vouchers and credit cards.
  • The Guest is responsible for paying the accommodation fees even if he/she chooses not to use the accommodation facilities provided by the Hotel voluntarily.

Article 12 (Liabilities of Leads Inn)

  • Leads Inn shall compensate the Guest for any damages caused by Leads Inn during the fulfillment or nonfulfillment of the Accommodation Contract and/or related agreements, except in cases where such damage has been caused due to reasons for which Leads Inn is not liable.
  • Leads Inn’s liability for accommodation shall begin as soon as the Guest registers for accommodation at the front desk and shall end as soon as the Guest checks out of the room.
  • Leads Inn has Hotel Liability Insurance to deal with unexpected fire and/or other disasters.

Article 13 (Alternative Accommodation)

  • In case the hotel is unable to provide the Guest with the contracted room, the hotel will make an effort to arrange accommodation of the same standard elsewhere, with the Guest’s consent.
  • If an alternative arrangement cannot be made despite the hotel’s efforts, the hotel will pay compensation to the Guest equivalent to the cancellation charges. This compensation fee will be applied towards reparations. However, if the hotel is unable to provide alternative accommodation due to causes for which the hotel is not liable, the compensation fee will not be paid to the Guest.

Article 14 (Handling of Deposited Articles)

  • If any article or valuable is deposited by the Guest at the front desk and is broken, damaged, lost, or stolen by the Hotel, the Hotel shall compensate the Guest for the damage caused, unless it is due to force majeure. For cash and valuables, if the Hotel has requested the Guest for an appraisal of the value and the Guest has failed to do so, the Hotel shall compensate the Guest up to a maximum of Rs. 50,000.
  • The Hotel shall compensate the Guest for damages caused, through intent or negligence on the part of the Hotel, to goods, cash or valuables brought onto the premises of the Hotel by the Guest but not deposited at the front desk. However, for articles whose nature and value have not been reported in advance by the Guest, the Hotel shall compensate the Guest up to a maximum of Rs. 50,000.
  • Deposits of artwork and/or antiques will not be accepted by the Hotel.

Article 15 (Custody of Luggage and Personal Belongings)

  • The Hotel shall only be liable to store the Guest’s luggage if requested in advance and accepted by the Hotel. Such luggage shall be handed over to the Guest at the front desk during check-in.
  • If the Guest forgets or leaves their belongings in the room upon check-out, the Hotel shall inform the Guest and wait for further instructions. If the belongings are not claimed or ownership is not confirmed, the Hotel shall hand over valuable or personal information-containing items to the nearest police station within 7 days. Any other unclaimed items shall be disposed of properly after 3 months. However, perishable items and things that may affect the Hotel’s cleanliness, such as food, beverages, cigarettes, and magazines, shall be disposed of immediately upon discovery.
  • The Hotel’s liability for custody of the Guest’s luggage and belongings in the above situations shall be subject to the provisions of Article 14.

Article 16 (Liability regarding Parking)

Leads Inn shall not be responsible for the safekeeping of the Guest’s vehicle while utilizing the hotel parking lot. The hotel provides parking space only and shall not be held liable for the management or supervision of the vehicle, whether or not the key of the vehicle has been deposited with the hotel.

Article 17 (Liability of the Guest)

The Guest shall indemnify and hold harmless Leads Inn for any damages caused by the Guest’s intentional or negligent actions or omissions during their stay at the hotel.

Article 18 (Jurisdiction and Applicable Laws)

Any disputes arising from the Accommodation Contract between the Guest and Leads Inn shall be settled in the competent court, either summary or district court, that has jurisdiction over the location of the hotel and in accordance with the laws of India.

Cancellation Policy

Should the guests choose to cancel their booking, following charges will apply:
For cancellations made 7 or more days prior to check-in date – No Charges
For cancellations made between 1 and 7 days of check-in – 50% of the room charges will apply
For cancellations made within 24 hours of check-in – 100% of the room charges will apply
For bookings made during peak season or special events, a non-refundable full payment may be required at the time of booking. No refunds will be given for cancellations.
In case of any natural disaster, war, civil unrest, or any other unexpected event, the cancellation policy may be adjusted at the discretion of the LEADS Inn.
If you need to change the dates of your reservation, we will try our best to accommodate your request depending on the availability. However, the cancellation policy will still apply for any cancellations.
If you need to shorten your stay after check-in, LEADS Inn will charge for the full duration of your original reservation.
If you need to extend your stay, we will try our best to accommodate your request depending on the availability. However, LEASD Inn is not responsible for any inconvenience caused due to the unavailability of rooms.
The cancellation policy may vary depending on the booking platform used to make the reservation. Please review the cancellation policy before making a booking to avoid any misunderstandings or unexpected charges.

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